Monday, September 16, 2013

What’s going on with interest rates?

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to our video blog.

I wanted to talk a little bit more about interest rates and how the increase affects you.

Many of you got preapproved a few months ago when rates were around 3.5 percent. Since then, rates have increased to 4.5 percent.

Does that affect your buying power? Absolutely.

If you were preapproved for homes in the $400,000 range when rates were lower, you may be surprised to find now those homes may be too expensive. That $400,000 is now around $365,000 because of the rate increase.

So give me a call and we can find out exactly how the increase has affected your buying power. I can be reached at 619.209.7123. Let’s figure out away to get you the home you want!